Thursday, December 07, 2006

Finally... VISTA...!

Firefox Flicks! Open Directory Project at

Microsoft has done it. Years of speculations, and a wait that appeared like Waiting for Godot has come to an end with the launch of Windows Vista operating system, finally. Along with Vista, Microsoft also announced the business availability of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Exchange Server 2007.

Vista had to overcome so many obstructions, before it saw the daylight. But, finally it is here. Windows XP, which was first released on 25 October 2001 with over 400 million copies in use, is, after Windows 98, one of the most successful Microsoft product that transformed the way people use computers. Now, it rests on Vista as to how it will carry the legacy of Windows OS into the future.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Now I'm on RSS !!!

Firefox Flicks! Open Directory Project at
Now my both Blogs are RSS enabled. Now anyone can see my posts through RSS reader such as "Google Reader" , or anyother RSS viewer news sites. This is great since I myself is experiencing it through Google Reader, which is a great innovation by Google team. Hope you guys also use RSS to see my posts as wel as to show your blogs also. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Done Deal... :)

Firefox Flicks! Open Directory Project at

At last finished doing funky stuff of the blog! Added FireFox, Google AdScene and Dmoz Open Directory Ads.

Thats a kind of an experiment, I guess...

I'll be doing more advanced stuff in the near future...

My Blog = Schumaker's Car

Firefox Flicks! Open Directory Project at
I added many ads to the blog... Now its looks like Michael Schumaker's racing car with plenty of ads on it... :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dishal Labs - Begins...

Firefox Flicks! Open Directory Project at

All are WELCOME to Dishal Labs.

This blog is the place where I'm going to do web experiments as far as i can in a blog. :)

Comments from all r greatelt accepted.

My other blog ::